Victim Testimonies

“Images of the iron chair which was used by the police to torture me with light and heat directed at me from all sides while I was strapped to the chair”

Guoluo Juimei, Monk from Labrang Monastery

“This warrant was the turning point of my life when I knew there was no more place for me in Tibet”.

Jigme Golok, Tibetan Bhuddist Monk and Former Political Prisoner

“I was beaten by police who did not talk at all, until all my clothes were wet with blood. I heard someone saying you have to stop otherwise he will die, and the police were saying just kill him. They took me into custody and they kept beating me. The worst thing was they were beating me by the guns big handle, it feels like torture.”

“The policy of Chinese colonial boarding schools is a destruction of Tibetan language and culture by slow death and is worse than the destruction caused by blood and guns. Tibetan children are sent to boarding schools to be indoctrinated with Chinese nationalism. Nomadic families who have farmed pastures for 1000s of years with no relation to Chinese language or culture are forced to send their children to boarding schools. They were formerly provided with translators to communicate with their own children at the boarding schools. Now no translators are provided and parents are unable to communicate with their own children. It is language genocide.”