The Court of Citizens of The World


China Tribunal

The Court of the Citizens of the World has charged Xi Jinping, President of the Republic of China, with crimes of aggression, crimes against humanity, and genocide under the Rome Statute. The tribunal addressed allegations related to aggression in Taiwan, crimes against humanity in Tibet, and genocide against the Uyghur population in Xinjiang, featuring opening statements, expert and victim testimonies, and closing submissions from both sides.

Proceedings began with evidence of Taiwan's statehood and right to self-determination, followed by Chinese aggression in Taiwan and neighbouring regions. The tribunal then considered crimes against humanity in Tibet and genocide against the Uyghurs in Xinjiang. Expert witnesses and victims provided detailed accounts of these alleged crimes. The tribunal will conclude with final arguments and the judges' deliberation, leading to the public announcement of the verdict.

Israel Palestine Arrest Warrant Review Summit

The summit aims to support the work of the International Criminal Court by analyzing charges against Israeli and Hamas leaders in the context of the application for their warrants of arrest. The panel discussions will bring together renowned international experts, lawyers and politicians in panel discussions focusing on 4 main areas:

  1. Strengthening the legitimacy of the ICC by considering and confirming the basis of the charges for the arrest warrants for the Israeli and Hamas leadership;
  2. Defining the evolving definition of war crimes since Nuremberg; including assessing proportionality in the conduct of military operations in Gaza and balancing the concept of foreseeable civilian harm with the anticipated military advantage;
  3. Discussing the crime of aggression and the limitations of the Kampala Amendments;
  4. Debating the international political reaction to the ICC arrest warrants and their potential to undermine the rule of law, the division of powers and the strength of democracy.